令和6年度9月期学位記授与式 学長告辞


Since we have international students here today, I would like to give a short congratulatory message in English.
Hello everyone. It’s a great pleasure to see you all today.
You have been awarded a degree by the University of Toyama.
On behalf of the University, I extend my sincere congratulations.

Volatility(変動性)、Uncertainty(不確実性)、Complexity (複雑性)、Ambiguity(曖昧性)の頭文字を取った用語です。このような時代に諸君は大学を卒業され、社会に旅立たれます。これまで大学で学んできた経験を活かして、状況を素早く察知し、多くの仲間と連携し、自分の長所を活かして種々の課題を解決していただきたいと思っています。富山大学は新時代に適応できるよう、文理融合教育、データサイエンス教育、英語教育に力を入れてきました。これらの教育を受けた皆様は自信を持って、社会で活躍していただきたいと強く願っています。
In recent years, I have heard the term VUCA used more and more often.
The term is an acronym for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. In these times, you are graduating from University and leaving for the world.
I hope that you will use the experience you have gained so far at the university to quickly perceive situations, collaborate with many colleagues, and use your strengths to solve various problems.
To adapt to the new era, the University of Toyama has focused on education that integrates the humanities and sciences, data science education, and English language education.
I strongly hope that all of you who have received these educations will be able to play an active role in society with confidence.

However, as the academic and social environment is advancing day by day, please continue to study and deepen your knowledge in your respective fields even after you enter the workforce.
There is a phrase “lifelong learning,” and I hope that you will always learn and apply what you have learned to your own great personal growth.
I also hope that you will continue to cherish the personal connections and regional networks you have established as a student, and continue to maintain ties with the University of Toyama and Toyama Prefecture.

Congratulations to all of you who studied at the University of Toyama from abroad on your graduation.
I am sure it must have been very difficult for you to adjust to the different language and lifestyle in Toyama Prefecture after coming here for the first time.
However, with the support of your instructors and classmates, you have all successfully graduated from the University of Toyama today.
After overcoming many difficulties and earning credits, we are pleased to celebrate your degree conferment ceremony today.
I am sure that your parents and family must be very happy.
I believe that some of you will return to your home countries and some of you will remain in Japan to work.
In either case, I hope that you will make use of what you have learned at the University of Toyama and play an active role.

I sincerely wish all of you, Japanese and international graduates, the best of luck after graduation.


富山大学長  齋藤 滋