令和3年度学位記授与式 学長告辞


始めに、极速体育直播,极速体育app?オミクロン株感染がいまだに収束していないため、富山市総合体育館での学位記授与式を午前と午後の2回に分けて対面方式で行うこととなりました。御父兄の参加は、1人に限らせていただきましたが、国を挙げての感染防御対策を行っている中での学位記授与式ですので、何卒ご理解をいただきたいと思います。本日、残念ながら出席できない御父兄や友人のため、式典をユーチューブで配信しておりますので、全国で富山大学学位記授与式を見ていただいております。 本日、68名の留学生を含む、学部卒業生1,741名、大学院修士課程修了生328名、博士課程修了生36名、専門職学位課程修了生14名、論文博士5名、合計2,124名に学位記を授与致しました。2、000名を超える若者が、富山大学からそれぞれの道へ巣立つ、この良き日を迎えることができたこと、教職員一同ならびに来賓の方々を代表して、心からお祝い申し上げます。

Since we have international students here today, I would like to give a short congratulatory message in English. As a measure to prevent Coronavirus transmission, only one person is allowed to attend the graduation ceremony. However, for friends and family members who are unable to attend, the ceremony is being streamed on YouTube.

It’s a great pleasure to see you all today. You have been awarded a degree by the University of Toyama.

On behalf of the University, I extend my sincere congratulations.





Unlike in high school, you learned how to actively tackle issues, hold discussions in groups, and solve difficult problems while you were at the University. As a result, through your student life, I guess you have matured personally much more.

I think it has been difficult for the past two years, due to the classes were suddenly switched to distance learning classes. It was the first time for both students and faculty members to take distance learning classes, and it was very difficult for each other.

In this situation, you acquired not only knowledge but also morality, and also went out of the university and experienced learning in the community. ?From now on, the world is about to change drastically with the aim of realizing Society 5.0. I sincerely hope that you will play an active role in your respective positions by making use of your many experiences while you were studying at the University of Toyama during this transformation period.

Also, I would like to recognize those students who have advanced to the master’s or doctoral programs have taken on the challenge of a new field of research and summarized these results during the COVID-19 pandemic. I think that what you learned in the master’s and doctoral programs will be very useful in your future career. Until the procedure became stable in science experiments, reliable data could not be obtained, and new experimental techniques had to be established, which would have been difficult. But you have learned a lot from your mistakes, found solutions, and grown up humanly. In the case of humanities, it was difficult to read a lot of literature and materials, and You were greatly educated in the work of summarizing your research results. I would like to praise you again for your hard work.

Today, digitalization is progressing rapidly, and a social transformation that can be called a digital transformation revolution is occurring because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the realization of carbon neutrality and a new era of consideration for the environment, including recycling, are undergoing major changes. The Kishida Cabinet has set up a digital rural city concept, and has set up human resource development and innovation creation in rural areas as a growth strategy. I strongly hope that all graduates will demonstrate their individuality, and implement these changes in collaboration with many people from different fields. It is important to note that you should collect as much information as possible and not be fooled by an incorrect information. For example, false information was given that an mRNA vaccine against the COVID-19 would cause infertility. Since then, it has been medically reported that there is no causal relationship between vaccines and infertility, but it is not well known. In this way, we hope that you will not be influenced by one piece of information, but will make a comprehensive judgment from a lot of information, evaluate the credibility of the information with many people, and make a correct judgment. It is my favor to all of you as the president.

富山大学は、これからも富山県での地域活性化の中核として、地域から頼られる大学として地方創生に貢献していきたいと思っています。富山県の掲げる「ウェルビーイング先進地域 富山を目指して」ならびに富山市の掲げる「スマートシティー」の実現のために、富山大学も取り組んでいく所存です。 そのためには、富山大学と卒業生とのネットワークが重要です。また、未来に役立つ研究成果を、国内外の研究機関と連携しながら発信していくつもりです。科学の進歩が急速に進んでおり、10年毎に社会が大きく変革しているため、社会人の学びなおしが必要となってきています。卒業した後、社会に出て、更に学びたいという方には、富山大学ではリカレント教育の機会を設けています。皆さんが社会に出て、学び直したいと思った際には、ぜひ富山大学に戻ってきてください。


The University of Toyama will continue to contribute to regional revitalization as the core of regional top leader in Toyama. We will also work toward the realization of Toyama Prefecture’s “Well-being Advanced Area Toyama” and Toyama City’s “Smart City”.

In order to realize this, it is important to keep the connection between the University of Toyama and graduates. In addition, we intend to disseminate research results that will be useful in the future in collaboration with research facilities in Japan and overseas. As science advances rapidly and society is undergoing major changes every 10 years, it is becoming necessary for working people to relearn. After graduating, we provides opportunities for recurrent education for those who want to learn more. If you want to relearn, please come back to The University of Toyama.

We will do our best to be a proud alma mater university for everyone from now on, so we hope that you will support The University of Toyama as an alumni.

Finally I wish all you graduates have a wonderful life.

Thank you.


富山大学長 齋藤 滋