Institute of Light Metals

Institute of Light Metals

The Institute of Light Metals (ILM) was jointly established by the Magnesium Research Center of Kumamoto University and the Aluminium Research Center of the University of Toyama to comprehensively develop magnesium, aluminum, and titanium, taking into account the features of industries located in Kumamoto and Toyama prefectures.
The aim is to establish an international research and education center for world-class light metal materials with its roots in the local community by integrating the advantages of both universities and using the universities’ resources effectively. The ILM will contribute to science, technology, and industry in Japan by leading the innovation of light metals through the accumulation, creation, and dissemination of global knowledge and resources related to light metals and by helping light metals researchers from all over the world to gather and interact as well as encouraging the influx of new light metals researchers.

Aluminum Research Center Web Site

Aluminum Research Center

Promoting collaborative research with researchers and engineers from Japan and around the world in the field of materials engineering, especially on aluminum, and contributing to local and national industrial development as well as preparing our graduate students for their future career.

Aluminum Research Center Web Site (In Japanese)