President Shigeru Saito of University of Toyama paid a courtesy visit to Chulalongkorn University, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, and Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Asia Office in Thailand.

From September 8 to 10, 2024, President Shigeru Saito and his delegation from University of Toyama (UT) visited the following institutions in Thailand.

  • Chulalongkorn University (September 9 and 10)
  • King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital (September 10)
  • Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Asia Office (September 10)

During the visit the following activities were carried out.

  • Meeting with the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University
  • Appointment of UT Liaison Professor
  • Opening up UT’s Liaison Office
  • Symposium “Natural products: Basic research to clinical application” (UT Liaison Professor Assembly)
  • Meeting with the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
  • Tour at Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Clinical Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
  • Tour at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital
  • Meeting with National Primate Research Center of Thailand, Chulalongkorn University
  • Meeting with Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Asia Office

Chulalongkorn University (CU), founded in 1917, is a comprehensive university with 19 faculties, 10 research institutions, and approximately 37,000 students. This visit was made possible due to a vigorous work by Professor Yoshihiro Hayakawa, Institute of Natural Medicine, UT, who has long been collaborating with Associate Professor Varisa Pongrakhananon, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, CU, as well as Distinguished Research Professor Ishwar Pahar, Center Initiative for Training International Researchers (CITIR), UT, who has long been collaborating with Professor Schinda Malaivijitnond, Director of National Primate Research Center of Thailand, Chulalongkorn University (NPRCT-CU).

Through this visit, we were able to progress towards the realization of our vision and demonstrate the international presence of UT particularly in the field of Natural Medicine.

The delegation members of UT are as follows.

  1. Professor Shigeru Saito, President
  2. Professor Isao Kitajima, Executive Vice President
  3. Distinguished Research Professor, Ishwar Parhar, Chief Director, CITIR
  4. Professor Yoshihiro Hayakawa, Director, Institute of Natural Medicine
  5. Professor Chihiro Tohda, Deputy Director, Institute of Natural Medicine
  6. Professor Daisuke Chujo, Deputy Director, Toyama University Hospital
  7. Professor Mosaburo Kainuma, Director, Department of Japanese Oriental Medicine, School of Medicine
  8. Professor Kimiko Shimizu, Organization for International Education and Exchange
  9. Associate Professor Tomoko Yoshikawa, Organization for International Education and Exchange
  10. Mr. Takeru Nishio, Manager, International Affairs Division
  11. Mr. Akira Yamada, Section Chief, International Affairs Division
  12. Mr. Takuya Terajima, Unit Chief, International Affairs Division
  13. Ms. Kaori Odake, Section Chief, Art and Design General Affairs and Educational Affairs Division
  14. Ms. Natsuki Shoda, Unit Chief, Educational Affairs Division

On September 9, the delegation visited the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, CU, in order to appoint UT Liaison Professor, open up UT Liaison Office, and hold a symposium “Natural products: Basic research to clinical application” as the UT Liaison Professor Assembly.

In the morning, the meeting began with opening remarks by Professor Pornanong Aramwit, Acting Vice President for Research; and Acting Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, CU, and President Saito, UT, followed by the introduction of the two universities and the signing of the MoU on UT Liaison Office. Afterwards, President Saito handed a letter of appointment to UT’s new Liaison Professor, Associate Professor Varisa Pongrakhananon, who will serve as a bridge between the two universities.

Group photo

Signing of the MoU on Liaison Office
(From left) President Saito, Prof. Pornanong Aramwit

Liaison Office opening ceremony
(From left) Prof. Pornanong Aramwit, President Saito

Appointment of UT Liaison Professor
(From left) Assoc. Prof. Varisa Pongrakhananon, President Saito

Group photo at the new Liaison Office

Introduction of CU by Assoc. Prof. Jittima Luckanagul, Acting Assistant to the President

Introduction of UT by Distinguished Research Professor Ishwar Parhar, CITIR, UT

During the meeting

In the afternoon, three UT Liaison Professors gathered around at CU and joined the symposium titled “Natural products: Basic research to clinical application”.

  • Associate Professor Varisa Pongrakhananon, CU
  • Associate Professor Yaowared Chulikhit, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University
  • Associate Professor Pornthip Waiwut, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ubon Ratchathani University

The symposium, UT Liaison Professor Assembly, was focused on basic research as well as clinical trials particularly in the field of Natural Medicine, where more than 40 researchers and students attended. After the opening address by Professor Pornanong Aramwit, speakers such as Professor Yoshihiro Hayakawa and Professor Chihiro Tohda presented on their own research.

After all the presentations, a lively exchange of opinions took place between participants for the realization of the transition from basic research to clinical trials in the field of Natural Medicine, where concrete ideas as well as challenges to face were raised.

Group photo at UT Liaison Professor Assembly
(From left in the back) Prof. Hayakawa, Prof. Kainuma, Prof. Chujo, Dr. Natchagorn Lumlerdkij
(From left in front) Assoc. Prof. Yaowared Chulikhit, Prof. Tohda, Prof. Pornanong Aramwit, Accoc. Prof. Pornthip Waiwut, Assoc. Prof. Chaisak Chansriniyom

Presentation by prof. Tohda

Presentation by Assoc. Prof. Pornthip Waiwut

Presentation by Assoc. Prof. Yaowared Chulikhit

Presentation by Assoc. Prof. Chaisak Chansriniyom

Presentation by Dr. Natchagorn Lumlerdkij

Presentation by Prof. Hayakawa

Presentation by Prof. Kainuma

Presentation by Prof. Chujo

During discussion①

During discussion②

During discussion③

On September 10, the delegation had a meeting with Faculty of Medicine, CU, and NPRCT-CU and visited King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital as well as PMDA Asia Office.

In the morning, the meeting with the Faculty of Medicine, CU began with opening remarks by President Saito, UT, and Professor Rungsun Rerknimitr, Acting Assistant to the President for Innovation Affairs, CU. This was followed by the introduction of the faculty presented by Professor Thanyawee Puthanakit, Assistant Dean for Research Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine, CU.

And then, a detailed discussion was brought about in a variety of matters such as student exchange, researcher exchange, holding regular joint seminars, joint sabbatical training etc.

Group Photo

Opening address from President Saito

Opening address from Prof. Rungsun Rerknimitr

During discussion①
(From left) Prof. Kitajima, President Saito, Prof. Rungsun Rerknimitr, Prof. Thanyawee Puthanakit

During discussion②

After the meeting, the delegation visited King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital and had a tour at related facilities such as Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Clinical Research Center, led by Professor Rungsun Rerknimitr and Professor Thanyawee Puthanakit.

Tour at Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Clinical Research Center①

Tour at Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Clinical Research Center②

Tour at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital①

Tour at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital②

Furthermore, the delegation attended a yet another meeting hosted by NPRCT-CU.
In the beginning, Professor Schinda Malaivijitnond, Director of NPRCT-CU gave an overview of the Center and its research activities, and explained in detail about the regulations pertaining to pre-clinical trials in Thailand. Distinguished Research Professor Ishwar Parhar, the Chief Director of CITIR, UT, has been working closely with Professor Schinda Malaivijitnond for decades. This meeting was made under their firm relationship of trust and the collaboration with NPRCT-CU is essential for UT to further promote research activities in a variety of fields of study such as natural medicine.

Introduction of NPRCT-CU by Prof. Schinda Malaivijitnond

During the meeting①

During the meeting②

In the afternoon of the day, the delegation visited Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Asia Office (PMDA Asia office) and met Director Jun Kitahara.

After the introduction of activities of PMDA by Director Kitahara, President Saito introduced UT’s international joint research in the field of Natural Medicine and emphasized the necessity of cooperation with PMDA Asia Office for the promotion of social implementation. The meeting ended after a lively exchange of opinions on cooperation between two institutions.

Group Photo

During the meeting