
頂らしやすいから僥びやすい、僥伏にやさしいまちToyama is a student-friendly city because of its livability?ライトレ`ル揃中Light Rail Tram?防寒べりMatsukawa River?h邦巷@Kansui Park?今藍来パ`ク & 仟寄Kaiwomaru Park and Shinminato Bridge?TOYAMAキラリ┯刺淑仭^?源表偏ガラス胆g^Toyama City Public Library, Toyama Glass Art Museum?羨表B桁Tateyama Mountain Range142536源表は羨表B桁を嘘に源表羅に中した徭隼h廠のNかなまちです。表?から送れ竃すN源な邦Y坿は、頂らしやbIを屶えています。~初やお致をはじめ、おいしいものもたくさんあります。住宥Wが屁笋気譴討り、麗や社Uは曳^議芦で頂らしやすいまちです。Surrounded by Tateyama mountain range and the Toyama Bay, Toyama is blessed with a beautiful nature environment. An abundant supply of pure water from mountains is making it a vital resource for Toyama industries and daily life. You can enjoy delicious food such as tasty rice, fresh seafood, and so many more. Transportation is well developed, and the cost of living is relatively cheap. Toyama is a nice place to live.源表のココがお櫃鉾襪 The reason why I like ToyamaI selected this course because of my interest in genetics, and now I study bioengineering. In our laboratory, senior students and my classmates are nice and we get along well. We have a friendly and enjoyable research atmosphere. Right now, the main focus of my everyday life is my research, but I¨ll sometimes take rides in a friend¨s car to see the sights in Toyama. The next place on my list is Ookamikodomo no Hana no Ie. Toyama is a nice place to live, with so much natural beauty. In my spare time from my research, I like to take walks in the nearby mountains to refresh myself. I hope that you will make the most of your time as a student, and try to accomplish everything you want to do, both in your studies and in your personal life.Life Sciences and Bioengineering (4th year) HASHIYA Kousuke (From Aichi)gYやレポ`トで脱しい鞍佞任垢、何試とのI羨をBっています。ウィンタ`スポ`ツをやりたくて秘ったスキ`何は、枠がしく縮えてくれて、麿寄僥との住送もあり、とてもSしいです。源表は今も表も除く、スポ`ツには恷mな侭です。それに、今の侑がおいしいのにも@きました。指勉望では、易エビとホタルイカがオススメです。C亠垢僥は溺徨が富ない蛍、とても嶼が措いです。匯繁頂らしの圭はTれるまで偲しいかもしれませんが、すぐに嗔_ができるので、あまり伉塘しないでくださいね。C亠垢僥コ`ス2定 堀邦 戦煮さん柆h竃附伏凋垢僥コ`ス4定 鮃 慎嗷さん柆h竃附I have a busy lifestyle between doing experiments and writing reports, but I also make time for extracurricular activities. I joined the skiing club because I wanted to take part in winter sports. The older students have been nice about teaching me to ski, and it¨s been a lot of fun meeting students from other universities. In Toyama, both the sea and the mountains are nearby, making it perfect for sports. I was also surprised at just how good the seafood is here. If you go to a conveyor-belt sushi restaurant, make sure to try the broad velvet shrimp and firefly squid! There aren¨t many women in Mechanical Engineering, but we¨re all that much closer as a result. If you live by yourself, you might feel kind of lonely until you get used to it, but don¨t worry?!?you¨re bound to make friends pretty quickly, too.Mechanical Engineering (2nd year) HAYAMI Rika (From Aichi)z思嚔vSにd龍があり、このコ`スをxびました。書はバイオエンジニアリングを僥んでいます。冩梢片では枠も嶼gもしくて、gやかな櫃Sしく冩梢しています。書は冩梢がメインの伏試ですが、嗔_ので源表の兆侭儔りをすることもあります。肝はぜひ仝おおかみこどもの雑の社々に佩ってみたいですね。源表は徭隼がNかで廖みやすい侭。冩梢の栽gには、除くの表を柊iしてリフレッシュしています。僥伏r旗はrgを貧返に恬って、茶も[びも、やりたいことは畠薦でやって圀しいと房います。源表寄僥垢僥何で僥ぶつよみ11

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