
School of ENGINEERING工学とは自然科学を利用して社会の課題を解決する学問ですが、“ものづくり”の学問とも言われます。実際に、皆さんの身のまわりで使われている“もの”や社会を支える産業技術のいたるところに工学である“ものづくり”が寄与しています。しかしながら一言で“ものづくり”と言っても社会に貢献できる“ものづくり”を実践するためには、基礎となる原理の理解や幅広い知識、独創性や倫理観、さらに議論や説明に必要なコミュニケーション能力やプレゼンテーション能力、これら全てをでき上がる“もの”に注ぎ込む“志”が必要です。ですから、本物の“ものづくり”ができる技術者や研究者になるためには、“ひとづくり”から始めなければなりません。若年人口の減少が社会問題になっていますが、皆さんは将来社会を支える中核人材になるために、身に付けた知識や技術を使って新しい課題を解決する体験を積んでください。そして、社会で直面する様々な課題に立ち向かう自信を付けて将来に向けて飛び立ってください。工学部教職員一同、皆さんを心から応援し、一緒に“ひとづくり”に日々精進し切磋琢磨していきます。Engineering is the application of science and math to solve problems. Since we see the work of engineers in the design and manufacture of nearly everything that people and industries use, it is also called the study of “monodzukuri”. The word “monodzukuri” is generally used in Japan to describe manufacturing processes. Rather than simply meaning “process of making things” however, “monodzukuri” has a deeper meaning, incorporating intangible qualities such as creativeness, craftsmanship, and dedication to continuous improvement. We believe that “monodzukuri” cannot be achieved without “hitodzukuri”, the process of educating and forming people. Depopulation has been one of the dire problem facing our society in Japan, and the proportion of people of working age continues to decrease. Therefore, when you look ahead to future challenges and opportunities, it is very important for you to acquire not only the knowledge and skills of engineering, but also experience of solving problems by applying these knowledge and skills. We believe that the essence of engineering is problem solving. We encourage and equip each of our students to become future leaders who will turn great ideas into new products and substantive changes to make the world better place. We are here to prepare you for tomorrow!工学部長 會澤 宣一Dean AIZAWA Sen-ichi“Hitodzukuri” that Brings “Monodzukuri” to FruitionOur MissionThe School of Engineering emphasizes the importance of creative education for practical application of knowledge, environmental education for the realization of sustainable society, and language / information-related education for the global community as well as the acquisition of general and specialized knowledge and skills of engineering. Our mission is to educate students to become engineers and researchers who possess not only deep technical excellence, but the abilities and skills to become tomorrow’s technology leaders.Prospective StudentsThe School of Engineering is seeking students with the following qualification.?Individuals who have scholastic ability to learn engineering, logical thinking skills, excellent understanding, creativity, and expression skills.?Individuals who can set own objectives and systematically work toward to achieve them.?Individuals who have a deep interest in the relation between human life and natural environment or social environment and have a keen awareness of these problems.?Individuals who have desire to contribute to the local and international society as an engineer or a researcher.工学部の使命工学部では、広く深い教養と専門的知識の修得はもとより、それらを諸課題に応用できる独創性教育、地球や人間に優しい環境教育、国際社会に対応できる語学や情報教育を重視し、豊かな人間性をもった優秀な技術者や研究者を育成すること、また、地域との連携を推進し、各産業分野の開発研究及び技術力の向上に貢献することを目的としています。求める学生像 工学部では上記に基づき、次のような人を求めています。?工学を学ぶのに不可欠な基礎学力、論理的思考力、理解力、独創力、表現力がある人?自ら課題を見つけ、計画的に課題の解決に取り組むことができる人?人間生活と自然環境や社会環境との関わりに深い興味と問題意識がある人?技術者や研究者として国際社会や地域社会に貢献する意欲がある人“ものづくり”のための“ひとづくり”を工学部で

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