富山大学 工学部 学部案内2025

?TOYAMAキラリ(富山市立図書館?富山市ガラス美術館)Toyama City Public Library, Toyama Glass Art Museum?立山連峰Tateyama Mountain Range?環水公園Kansui Park?海王丸パーク & 新湊大橋Kaiwomaru Park and Shinminato Bridge?ライトレール(路面電車)Light Rail Tram?松川べりMatsukawa River142536富山は立山連峰を背に富山湾に面した自然環境の豊かなまちです。山々から流れ出す豊富な水資源は、暮らしや産業を支えています。魚介やお米をはじめ、おいしいものもたくさんあります。交通網が整備されており、物価や家賃は比較的安価で暮らしやすいまちです。Surrounded by Tateyama mountain range and the Toyama Bay, Toyama is blessed with a beautiful nature environment. An abundant supply of pure water from mountains is making it a vital resource for Toyama industries and daily life. You can enjoy delicious food such as tasty rice, fresh seafood, and so many more. Transportation is well developed, and the cost of living is relatively cheap. Toyama is a nice place to live.応用化学コース4年 藤田 美咲さん(栃木県出身)富山は自然が美しいことで有名ですが、実際に立山連峰は圧巻です。特に雪の積もった山脈が楽しめる春は、澄んだ空と合わせてまるで絵画のようでお気に入りです。また東京?名古屋?大阪の全ての三大都市圏に近いため、学生同士の旅行や帰省が便利です。県内に空港もあるので、先輩方は卒業旅行に北海道や韓国にも行かれます。富山市内では路面電車がはしっていて、意外と雪の季節でも止まらないので重宝しています。加えて大学の周囲は学生街で生活必需品が揃いますし、目の前に交番もあるのでバイト帰りに遅くなっても安心です。他にも世界一美しいスタバ、雪の大谷や雨晴海岸など、“映え”間違いなしのスポットがたくさんあるので県外から来る人は楽しみにしていてください!Applied Chemistry (4th year) FUJITA Misaki (From Tochigi)Toyama is famous for its natural beauty, and in fact the Tateyama Mountain Range is absolutely breathtaking. I love springtime in particular, when I can enjoy the snow-covered mountains, which look like a painting against the clear skies. Toyama is close to all three major metropolitan areas of Japan (Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka), making it convenient for students to travel together or to visit their hometowns. There is an airport in the prefecture, too, so many students take graduation trips to places like Hokkaido or Korea. And Toyama City?s trams rarely stop running, even during the snowy season, so they?re a great way to get around. In addition, the area around the university serves as a sort of college town, where all kinds of daily necessities are available, and the nearby koban police box provides peace of mind even if you?re coming home late from a part-time job. There are also many other photo-worthy spots, such as the world?s most beautiful Starbucks, the Yuki-no-Otani Snow Corridor, and the Amaharashi Coast. If you come from outside of the prefecture, look forward to seeing them!知能情報工学コース1年 中谷 祐介さん(大阪府出身)富山県での新生活は、とても充実しています。一人暮らしを始めることに不安もありましたが、富山の穏やかな環境と親切な人々のおかげで、すぐに慣れることができました。特に驚いたのは、新鮮な海の幸や美味しい地元料理の豊富さです。日々の食事が楽しみになりました。また、立山連峰や黒部峡谷などの自然の美しさは、心のリフレッシュに最適です。一人暮らしを始める大学生にとって富山は、生活費が比較的安く、住みやすい環境が整っています。公共交通機関も整っていて、大学への通学や市内の移動もスムーズです。地元の祭りやイベントにも参加し、地域とのつながりを感じながら、学業と生活のバランスが取れた日々を送っています。富山での大学生活は、私にとって新しい冒険であり、毎日が充実したものとなっています。Intellectual Information Engineering (1st year) NAKATANI Yusuke (From Osaka)My new life in Toyama is really ful?lling. At ?rst, I was anxious about starting a life on my own, but the peaceful environment and kind people of Toyama helped me to quickly feel at home here. One thing that particularly surprised me was the abundance of fresh seafood and delicious local foods, which have made daily meals a pleasure. In addition, the natural beauty of Toyama, such as the Tateyama Mountain Range and Kurobe Gorge, is perfect for refreshing the mind. The relatively low cost of living makes it a comfortable place to live for university students who are living on their own for the ?rst time. The public transportation is also well developed, which makes it easy to travel to and from the university every day, and to get around the city. I?ve been able to participate in local festivals and other events, which has helped me feel connected to the community, while also maintaining a good balance between academics and my personal life. My life as a student in Toyama has brought new adventures, and every day has felt meaningful and exciting.富山のココがお気に入り The reason why I like ToyamaToyama is a student-friendly city because of its livability富山大学工学部で学ぶつよみ11暮らしやすいから学びやすい、学生にやさしいまち

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