富山大学 工学部 学部案内2024

School of ENGINEERING日本は高度成長期にものづくりの技術と品質で世界を席巻してきましたが、近年では情報がデジタルで遣り取りされてきているため、あらゆる“もの”に情報を付随させることが可能となり、日本の新たな優位性を模索する時代となっています。デジタル情報を利活用することは、工学に限らず様々な分野でも必要不可欠ですが、富山大学工学部においても、情報で“もの”の付加価値を上げる時流に乗り遅れないように教育?研究を推進しています。工学の専門基礎を学修するとともにその応用分野への展開においても、また、医薬理工の異分野連携においても、人工知能、機械学習やデジタルツインなど、データサイエンスを駆使した取り組みを行っています。デジタル社会に通用する人材育成としてリスキリングが叫ばれていますが、そのためには、知識(意味記憶)と技術(手続き記憶)から生み出される知恵が必要です。さらに、そこには何かしらの触媒の種も必要です。工学部には多くの機会と多様な種が準備されています。一歩一歩着実に成長してデジタル社会に巣立ち、大輪の花を咲かせることを切に期待しています。During the postwar era of rapid growth, Japan made a name for itself worldwide with its manufacturing technologies and high standards of quality. However, as information has become increasingly digitized in recent years, it has become possible to provide data to, and derive data from, all types of items, and Japan now ?nds itself searching for a competitive edge in this new age. Utilizing digital data has proven essential in various ?elds beyond engineering. Here too at the University of Toyama School of Engineering, we work to further education and research in order to ensure that we do not fall behind the times, in terms of increasing the value of various items through data. We work to take advantage of data science technologies, such as arti?cial intelligence, machine learning, and digital twins, for education in specialized fundamentals of engineering and their practical application, as well as for interdisciplinary collaboration across medicine, pharmacy, science, and engineering. Many have suggested the need for reskilling as a way to develop human resources for our digital society; this requires wisdom born of both knowledge (semantic memory) and skill (procedural memory). However, a catalyst is also necessary, to serve as a “seed.” At the School of Engineering, we have prepared a wide variety of opportunities ? and many such seeds. I strongly hope that you will grow steadily, step by step, as you head out into the world as members of our digital society, and that you will eventually help these seeds bloom into magni?cent ?owers.工学部長 小熊 規泰Dean OGUMA Noriyasu工学部の使命工学部では、広く深い教養と専門的知識の修得はもとより、それらを諸課題に応用できる独創性教育、地球や人間に優しい環境教育、国際社会に対応できる語学や情報教育を重視し、豊かな人間性をもった優秀な技術者や研究者を育成すること、また、地域との連携を推進し、各産業分野の開発研究及び技術力の向上に貢献することを目的としています。求める学生像 工学部では上記に基づき、次のような人を求めています。?工学を学ぶのに不可欠な基礎学力、論理的思考力、理解力、独創力、表現力がある人?自ら課題を見つけ、計画的に課題の解決に取り組むことができる人?人間生活と自然環境や社会環境との関わりに深い興味と問題意識がある人?技術者や研究者として国際社会や地域社会に貢献する意欲がある人To Natives of the Digital AgeOur MissionThe School of Engineering emphasizes the importance of creative education for practical application of knowledge, environmental education for the realization of sustainable society, and language / information-related education for the global community as well as the acquisition of general and specialized knowledge and skills of engineering. Our mission is to educate students to become engineers and researchers who possess not only deep technical excellence, but the abilities and skills to become tomorrow?s technology leaders.Prospective StudentsThe School of Engineering is seeking students with the following quali?cation.?Individuals who have scholastic ability to learn engineering, logical thinking skills, excellent understanding, creativity, and expression skills.?Individuals who can set own objectives and systematically work toward to achieve them.?Individuals who have a deep interest in the relation between human life and natural environment or social environment and have a keen awareness of these problems.?Individuals who have desire to contribute to the local and international society as an engineer or a researcher.デジタルの時代を生きる君たちへ

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