富山大学 工学部 学部案内2024

株式会社日生化学工業所岐阜工場 製造部 技術課今井 遥さん2021年 大学院生命融合科学教育部(博士課程)修了私は、高校生のときに、もっと化学について勉強したいと思い、環境応用化学科(現:応用化学コース)へ進学しました。大学では、1?3年生で化学全般の基礎を学び、4年生の研究室配属では、特に興味があった有機化学の研究室を選び、大学院でも同研究室にて日々研究に励みました。卒業後は、大学で培った知識を活かし、ものづくりができる会社で働きたいと思い、日生化学工業所への就職を決めました。当社は、化成品や医薬品を製造する会社であり、私の業務は、他社から依頼された品目を実際に工場で作れるかどうか実験室で検討し、工場で製造するための橋渡しをすることです。工場規模で製品をつくる為には、有機化学だけではなく、化学工学等の知識も必要となる為、勉強もしながら仕事をしています。今後も、富山大学で得られた経験をもとに、会社の技術も吸収しながら社会に貢献したいです。I wanted to study chemistry more deeply when I was a high school student, so I entered the Department of Environment and Applied Chemistry (now the Applied Chemistry Course). I learned the basics of chemistry in general during my ?rst three years at the university, and then chose a laboratory conducting research on organic chemistry, which I was particularly interested in, for my fourth year. I then remained active in research at this laboratory during my graduate student years. After graduating, I decided to join Nissei Kagaku Kogyosho, as I wanted to work at a manufacturing company where I could utilize the knowledge I gained at the university. Our company manufactures chemical and pharmaceutical products, and my job is to examine, in a laboratory, whether an item requested by another company can be manufactured at our factory, and, if we can, to then assist in preparations for manufacturing the item at our factory. Manufacturing products at the factory level requires knowledge of not only organic chemistry but also chemical engineering and other ?elds, so I am still studying while working. I hope to continue contributing to society based on the experience I gained at the University of Toyama, while also internalizing my company's technologies. 大学院生のとき、何度か学会発表に出ました。研究成果の発表だけでなく、他校の先生や学生と交流ができ、とても有意義な時間が過ごせました。研究室の仲間と各地に出向き、その土地のご飯を食べるのも楽しみの一つでした。NISSEI KAGAKU KOGYOSHO CORPORATIONIMAI HarukaGraduated from the Graduate School of Innovative Life Science(Doctor's program) in 2021I had the opportunity to give presentations at academic conferences a few times while I was a graduate student. It was a very meaningful experience, as I got to interact with faculty members and students of other universities, in addition to giving presentations on my research results. It was also fun to go to di?erent places with the laboratory members to attend conferences and enjoy local foods with them.富山大学工学部での経験、工学部での経験が企業で活かすことができたこと等あの頃私は富大生 Memories as a studentWhat I?ve been able to utilizeat work from my experienceat the University of Toyama15

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