富山大学 工学部 学部案内2024

?TOYAMAキラリ(富山市立図書館?富山市ガラス美術館)Toyama City Public Library, Toyama Glass Art Museum?立山連峰Tateyama Mountain Range?環水公園Kansui Park?海王丸パーク & 新湊大橋Kaiwomaru Park and Shinminato Bridge?ライトレール(路面電車)Light Rail Tram?松川べりMatsukawa River142536富山は立山連峰を背に富山湾に面した自然環境の豊かなまちです。山々から流れ出す豊富な水資源は、暮らしや産業を支えています。魚介やお米をはじめ、おいしいものもたくさんあります。交通網が整備されており、物価や家賃は比較的安価で暮らしやすいまちです。Surrounded by Tateyama mountain range and the Toyama Bay, Toyama is blessed with a beautiful nature environment. An abundant supply of pure water from mountains is making it a vital resource for Toyama industries and daily life. You can enjoy delicious food such as tasty rice, fresh seafood, and so many more. Transportation is well developed, and the cost of living is relatively cheap. Toyama is a nice place to live.電気電子工学コース4年 江崎 由衣子さん(愛知県出身)通信の勉強がしたくて、このコースを選びました。先生も先輩方も話しやすくて、和気あいあいとした雰囲気で研究しています。サークル「放送研究会」では、ラジオドラマを作ったり、FM局で番組を担当したりと、貴重な経験がたくさんできました。富山に来て感動したのは、街中から雄大な立山が見えること。雪が心配でしたが、インフラが整っているのでさほど不便は感じませんでした。また五福は学生街なので、友人と行き来がしやすく、交通の便も良いのでとても住みやすい街です。安心して学生生活を楽しんでください。Electrical and Electronic Engineering (4th year) ESAKI Yuiko (From Aichi)I chose this course because I wanted to study communication. The faculty members and older students are easy to talk to, and we conduct our research in a friendly atmosphere. As a member of the broadcasting research club, I have had many valuable experiences, including making a radio drama and being in charge of an FM station program. What impressed me when I ?rst came to Toyama is that you can see the majestic Tateyama Mountains from the city. I was worried about Toyama?s snows in winter, but I have experienced hardly any inconvenience because of the good infrastructure. Gofuku is a university town, so student friends can easily visit each other, and the town o?ers good public transportation. Enjoy your life as a student in this safe and convenient town!応用化学コース2年 小川 途輪さん(新潟県出身)有機化学の勉強が楽しくて、やりがいを感じています。クラスは全国から学生が集まっており、いろいろな県出身の友達ができました。サークルでは先輩に車で送ってもらったり、食事に連れて行ってもらったり、学年に関係なく仲良く活動しています。また院生に勉強や私生活について質問できる機会が設けられているのも、とても心強いです。学生時代は交友関係を築く貴重な時間。特に教養教育科目は3キャンパス9学部の学生が共に学びます。グループワークにも積極的に参加して、学部に関係なく交流を持って欲しいと思います。Applied Chemistry (2nd year) OGAWA Towa (From Niigata)Studying organic chemistry has been fun and rewarding. I have made friends from many di?erent prefectures, as our classes consist of students from all around Japan. At my club, students of all ages have fun together engaging in club activities. The older club members are so nice that they drive us younger students to di?erent places and take us out for dinner. Also, I ?nd it very reassuring that we are given opportunities to ask graduate students for advice about academic life and private life. Our university years are a valuable time for building friendships. In particular, students from three UT campuses and nine UT schools take general education classes together. I recommend to students to actively participate in group work, and interact with students from other schools as well as their own school.富山のココがお気に入り The reason why I like ToyamaToyama is a student-friendly city because of its livability富山大学工学部で学ぶつよみ11暮らしやすいから学びやすい、学生にやさしいまち

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